USN Lower School Technology!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Week of October 8! and "Free Choice Options"

This week we're all working on typing/keyboarding skills acquisition. I've posted enough about those to indicate which programs, etc., we're working with, and I can report that textbooks will come home with 4th graders next week so that they can begin working from home. I'll send a letter home with the textbooks with all kinds of detailed information, but the most important thing to remember is this: If there are internet connectivity issues for your child at home, we'll do everything in our power to allow them time during the school day to work with the program. It might take some creative scheduling, but the 4th grade team and I want to see to it that every one of our 4th graders has ample opportunity to improve his or her typing skills.

Well, there is another "most important thing." HOME ROW KEY POSITION!!! ALWAYS!!!

More on that later :)

I also want to report that over the past several weeks I've been soliciting suggestions for "Free Choice" in the computer lab (for those times when the work is done and choice itself is an option. These suggestions are being pre-reviewed by my capable HS lab assistant, Dylan Pittman, the 9th grader who comes to help in the lab twice a week this semester. I'll likely post Dylan's pre-review here, then I'll certainly take my own look at these and add them to the Webliographer in the "Free Choices" topic. This project should be completed within a couple more weeks. Meanwhile, here are the sites we're looking at, less the ones already on the Webliographer!

Added to Webliographer
-Typer Shark
Other Suggestions
-Lemonade Stand
-Club Penguin


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