A Fun Week, September 4-7!

Hey, ya'll. The fourth and third graders this week are continuing along their keyboarding skills trajectory with Type to Learn 3 and the second graders just finished their two week experience with Type to Learn, Jr. Next week, the second graders will join the other two grade levels in Type to Learn 3, toward beginning to learn home-row key typing, a critical skill for the 21st century. Note: The links to these programs are provided here for your information only and I do NOT encourage or even suggest that you purchase these programs for home use.
Kinder and 1st graders continue to re-hone their web-surfing skills by visiting the fabulous UpToTen.com UpToTen Premium at School computer skills portal. Here are some of the computer-speak terms learned or reviewed these past two weeks:
- desktop
- browser
- icon
- maximize
- click
- double-click
- cursor
- drop-down arrow
- menu
- scroll
- scroll bar
For those of you who may not want to wade back through previous posts here, this is a skillfully designed website that's offered free to schools all over the world. Created and maintained by Jason Barnard and his staff on the tropical island of Mauritius (an island off the coast of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean), USN has the distinction of having registeried at the website as school number 1. Considering that since that registration (*pops out into another browser tab to check the current total*) UpToTen has registered 5,141 other schools, I'm pretty proud of that fact. I'm also proud that I was asked to help tweak Jason's educational design for that part of his wonderful website, and that I could thus contribute in some small way to its success.
I'm also happy that the "Boowa and Kwala Club" registration is free. Visit UpToTen.com's "Parents" page to learn more. While you're there, visit the Boowa and Kwala Club page to register for a free parent's account so that your child may visit the website with access to the club's advanced options. While the "at School" features are only available "at School," club membership will provide your child with a virtually unlimited wealth of kindness-themed, safe, age -appropriate online fun.
That's all for now!
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