USN Lower School Technology!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Slideshow for Mrs. Princehorn!

This past week 1st grade teacher Marty Kennedy contacted me to let me know that the teachers were planning to gather all the Lower School students together for a brief "songfest," since cherished Lower School Music teacher Doni Princehorn is away from school with a family illness and is unable this year to facilitate the traditional grade level songfests.

Here's the bad news: I filmed the wonderful songfest in the auditorium yesterday (Wednesday morning), which I did with the Lower School video camera, which I hadn't used before. It was fun to do and I think I had a pretty interesting film when the program was over and I turned off the camera. Bringing it back into my computer lab to edit, I opened the camera before finalizing the disk. Can you say "Poof?"

This is of course just another incident in a longstanding tradition of intentional technology goof-ups designed to demonstrate that "even Mr. Merrick" makes mistakes. Well, sort of.

Here's the good news. Talented photographer and Yearbook Manager/Editor Genie Tanner spent the whole hour taking pictures and she shared them with me. In penance, I spent a couple hours putting them all into Microsoft PhotoStory (a free download add-on to Windows Media Player), then some more time adding some music from the show.

It's online, and you can view it with Windows Media Player (it's a .wmv file) or any compatible program. I am working on a Quicktime version, so check back for that! I hope it does justice to the love everyone in the room shared for Mrs. Princehorn, that morning and every day.

Have a marvelous holiday, all, and we'll see you next year!


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