USN Lower School Technology!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Artclectic Week!

I've not posted the past two weeks for a number of reasons, among which are two short weeks, including Fall Break, and artclectic!

USN's huge annual art show and gallery, a fundraiser for the USN Endowment for Innovative Teaching, has me hog-tied and running mad every year, mostly because the heart of artclectic is my lovely wife, Lee Ann Merrick.

You can read more about artclectic here: If you're reading this today, it's Thursday, October 22, and tonight the whole thing has to be set up and ready for the Patrons Party. Gymnasium becomes art gallery? You won't believe it until you see it, the event that Nashville Parent Magazine called "The Art Event of the Year!"

Things have not gone undone in the lab. This week the 4th graders got that much closer to being inworld in Quest Atlantis, as we rounded up parent permission forms. All other classes got to work with a new Free Choice Option, Sebran 1,2,3, a freeware program that runs the gamut from skill and drill to higher order prediction work in a very fun Hangman game.

I'll beef up this post tomorrow, but I wanted to get it out to you today, and also to invite you to the show tonite (Patrons Party), Friday night (Community Party), and Saturday and Sunday (FREE to the public with so much going on 11-7 Saturday you can make a whole day of it with your family). Come on out!!!


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