USN Lower School Technology!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Last Full Week of September

The Short Story:
3rd graders continue working in Type to Learn 3
4th graders get very familiar with Keyboarding for Kids
Kindergarteners meet Drawing for Children
1st graders refresh their Drawing for Children skills
2nd graders use their new "2ndgradestart" page at the Webliographer

The Long Story:

What's happenin' now:
We're continuing the work begun in September with all grade levels, making sure 4th graders will know what they're doing when they first login to the site at home; instilling first good practice skills for touch-typing with Type to Learn 3 in 3rd grade; and progressing through the 25 lessons at's "My First Clicks," an early-years computer skills training site I helped design years ago (Kinderkids and 1st graders). In 2nd grade, I responded to Molly Darr's request for her students to view and experience a couple of websites by creating a new portal for them. The "USN2ndgradestart" page is here, and will change as needed week to week (when our work is on the internet), archiving everything at the archive page. This will provide a good running record of our internet work!

I'm also aligning "lessons" in the lab to standards this year, a year-long project that should inform activities in the lab for years to come. This process is informed by the CSTA Model K12 Computer Science curriculum draft and the ISTE NETS-S, both touchstones for standards alignment. Once all that is complete, I'll make it public, since I do believe that we are on this planet to share with one another, toward making the world a better, safer, and more engaging place for all.

Over and out for this week. Stay tuned for more!

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