USN Doodle4Google Winners Announced!
The judges (Steve Smail, Web Manager, and Jeff Goold, Publication Design Editor) have done their durndest and the 6 entries for the Doodle 4 Google competition have now been selected! Everyone of the several hundred entries was stellar, and I'm still considering ways to share them with our blog readers. Stay tuned!
Pending receipt of parental consent forms and artist statements, the entries are, from youngest to eldest:
Marie, Ms. Blankenship's 3rd grade:

Emily, Ms. Noel's 4th grade:

Arden, Ms. Marler's 4th grade:

Adelaide, Ms. Hunt's 4th grade:

Asha, 7th grade, Ms. Russell's Advisory:

and Sam, 12th grade, Ms. Crenshaw's advisory:

Thanks to our jurors, thanks to everyone who entered, and good luck to our six "doodlers!"
Pending receipt of parental consent forms and artist statements, the entries are, from youngest to eldest:
Marie, Ms. Blankenship's 3rd grade:

Emily, Ms. Noel's 4th grade:

Arden, Ms. Marler's 4th grade:

Adelaide, Ms. Hunt's 4th grade:

Asha, 7th grade, Ms. Russell's Advisory:

and Sam, 12th grade, Ms. Crenshaw's advisory:

Thanks to our jurors, thanks to everyone who entered, and good luck to our six "doodlers!"
Labels: doodle4google, K12, learning, teaching
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