USN Lower School Technology!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

REALLY welcome back

I've had a great week of inservice and now, approaching noon of the first day off school, I can almost feel the extended heavy sigh of our school building as it settles into the school year with a smile on its face.

I've been reminded all week why I love working with the Lower School teachers, all of whom shared an enthusiasm for life-long learning this week as we shared our various experiences in summer professional development and discussed how these will impact the way we teach our students. My own summer "profdev" experience, or at least the main one, I shared in a previous post about the National Educational Computing Conference in San Diego, California.

Attendance in the LS Technology for Learning Lab is and will be optional this week, as I yield to the teachers' need to be with their children as much as possible, while spending much of my day rolling around on a wheeled office chair setting up computers and resetting logins and options so that the experience every child has at his or her workspace is consistent and predictable (as much as the technology will allow!). Oftentimes I'm working with a computer mouse in each hand as I try to get the job done as quickly as possible--because there's always more to do:

It was great to meet with many of you during orientations and I hope that you can stop into the lab anytime you're at school.

I'm so glad to have your kids back in the building!!! Next week we'll learn about USN's "Appropriate Use Policy" at all grade levels with a smart-board quiz game!


Monday, August 07, 2006

Welcome Back with a Featured Photo at!

Hey, ya'll,

Back to school this week (getting the lab ready for another fun year) after a wonderful week with the family in Seagrove, Florida. I just chatted with Jason Barnard, creator of, and he shared with me that the great Kindergarten pic I took the last half-day of school just after our Skype chat with Boowa is featured at the Boowa and Kwala website! Here's the link!

Be sure to check out all the new free content Jason and his team have added to the free site, especially the "At School with Boowa and Kwala" things.

Here's a link to the Parents' Info page at! See you soon!