USN Doodle4Google Announcement!
Congratulations to everyone who took the time and had the fun of creating a Doodle4Google for our school's participation this year! Our judges, Faculty members Maura Rankin, Elizabeth Coble, Stephen Douglas, Steve Smail, Lee Ann Merrick, and Emily Holt, considered all of these often beautiful and creative submissions in the light of our weighty charge to narrow the over 170 entries down to only 6. These are scanned images, since we had to submit the originals to New York for preliminary judging as the first step in the long process that will decide upon one winner in the end.
I would love to scan them all and share them in a slideshow so that you can see how difficult our young artists made the process for their judges--I may do that!
Meanwhile, here are the Doodles that prevailed. From top to bottom, Maggie Robinson, Evelyn TeSelle, Henry Standard, Samantha Olivares-Mejia, Alex Dano, and Ford Cannon.

And here are the artist's statements:
I would love to scan them all and share them in a slideshow so that you can see how difficult our young artists made the process for their judges--I may do that!
Meanwhile, here are the Doodles that prevailed. From top to bottom, Maggie Robinson, Evelyn TeSelle, Henry Standard, Samantha Olivares-Mejia, Alex Dano, and Ford Cannon.

And here are the artist's statements:
1) Maggie, 3rd Grade, If I Could Do Anything I Would…
Save the Animals--We should save animals. The puffer fish represents fish people catch and don’t release. The owl's eyes mean we should give a hoot and not hurt animals. People think snakes are dangerous and kill them. People cut trees taking giraffes’ food. Turtles die in fishing nets.
2) Evelyn, 4th Grade, If I could Do Anything I Would …
Educate the World--One of the hardest things a person has to face is making decisions. Any decision you make affects everyone around you, and education gives you the power to choose wisely. If everyone in my generation had a good education, then the future world would be full of good decision makers.
3) Henry, 4th Grade, If I Could Do Anything I Would …
Clean the Ocean-- I like a lot of animals that are being killed and hurt by pollution, littered waters, and oil spills; so for my Google doodle I decided to draw mankind changing that.
4) Samantha, 4th Grade, If I Could Do Anything I Would…
Save the Animals--My doodle for Google is about saving animals. I chose this mainly because I saw dog prints on a goody bag and I thought that would be perfect for the O’s. I just got to work and then there was a dog, spider, snake, tiger and a bird.
5) Alex, 4th Grade, If I Could Do Anything I Would…
Have a Day at the Park—Have a Day at the Park is about going to the park and having a picnic with your friends and family and everybody that you love. When you look at it I want you to think of peace, love, nature, and of course GOOGLE!
6) Ford, 3rd Grade, If I Could Do Anything I Would …
Explore the Oceans--If I could do anything I would explore the oceans, because there are lots of living creatures under the water.