Over Spring Break, I...

This week I'm engaging 4th and 3rd graders in a very gentle introduction to the concept of blogging. I'm showing them this blog, which has been rather buried heretofore as my USN Teacher webpage, and have added its location to the webliographer for easy access. Then we're visiting the USN LS Technology edublog and learning how to enter a comment on the post there entitled
"Over Spring Break I...".
The resulting comments should be read as representing something on the order of a 2nd draft version of this writing project. They are not final drafts! Bear in mind that students had between 20 and 30 minutes to work on these before performing a "quick and dirty" edit with me and hitting the submit button. Nevertheless, I'm very proud of the work!
K and 1st grade classes are drawing pictures of their spring break memories and 2nd graders are working with money websites this week. Stay tuned!
How about a little "Parent Development?" Think of this post as an opportunity to see how blogging and commenting on blogs can connect you to people who are interested in a similar topic. Then go out and use Google to type something like "blog fishing" if you're interested in fishing. I just did that and received 22,600,000 hits. Hmmmmmmmmm... Do you think you might comment on a post at some of those? And then read other comments and learn from the commenters? Hmmmmmmm.....
Be good and have fun!