USN Lower School Technology!

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Commensurate with changes to the University School of Nashville website this year, I thought it appropriate to migrate to a new form of communicating with parents about what is going on in the Lower School "Technology for Learning" lab. I welcome all "old parents" (by which I mean parents for whom this is not the first year at USN--not "old parent," as in "me") and all new parents, those whose child(ren) attend USN for the first time this year!

University School of Nashville is a wonderful place for a child to be in her or his early school years, and for all school years through grade 12, for that matter. My own children both attend USN and I wouldn't have it any other way. This school is the best match for their needs, their requirements, and their individually unique personalities.

I'll link to last year's "blog-like" T4L site in the links sidebar of this site, and there'll be other links there that will tell you more about what it is we do, as well as more about what I do personally and professionally in other arenas. I'll try to post at least weekly and there will also be occasional instances of "blog this site," a cool feature that allows websites to be shared with a few clicks and with a very small investment of time. Check back often, and thanks for sharing your children's beginning years of learning with me!



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